英文學習分享 2021/10/07
影片名稱:人口販賣有多普遍? (How Common Is Human Trafficking Today?)
1. eradicate (v.) 根除;消滅
ex: The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption. 政府聲稱正盡其所能根治腐敗。
2. traffic (n.) 交通流量;運輸量;非法交易
(v.) 非法交易;販賣人口
ex: Police are looking for ways of ways of curbing the traffic in guns. 警方正在想方設法抑制非法槍枝交易。
3. sweatshop (n.)血汗工廠
ex: Work in sweatshop. 在血汗工廠工作。
4. exploit (v.) 利用;開發;發揮;剝削
ex: We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible. 我們要確保盡可能充分利用資源。
5. prostitution (adj.) 招募入伍的
ex: Poverty drove her to prostitution. 貧困迫使他去賣淫。
6. hotbed (n.)(不良行為活動的)溫床
ex: The police department was ahotbeded of corruption. 警界曾是腐敗的溫床。
7. fraud (n.) 詐騙;騙子;騙人的事物
ex: Credit card fraud. 信用卡詐騙
8. coercion (n.)強迫;威脅;脅迫
ex: He claimed the police had used coercion,threats,and promises to obtain the statement illegally.
9. lure (n.) 誘惑力;誘餌
ex: The lure of fame/power/money 名聲、權力、金錢的誘惑
10. legitimate (adj.) 合法的;合理的;正當的
(v.) 使~合法;使~合理
ex: The army must give power back to the legitimate government. 軍隊必須將權力交還給合法政府。
11. migrant (adj.) 遷移的
ex: migrant workers 流動工人;外籍移工